Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Prospect Street, Cambridge, MA

This morning is an example of the quintessential New England wintry mix.

Commuting is easy for no one between snow covered sidewalks and slush covered streets, it's a day best spent in your flannel sheeted bed surrounded with books, music, movies, coffee, and, if you're lucky, a cat to curl up beside you... and if you're even luckier, a loved one to share your coziness.

Well, since I didn't have the foresight to bring my laptop home last night, I trudged into work.

On any other day, walking ten minutes down Prospect Street to the Central Square T Stop would be no big deal. Even in the rain, this is manageable, not ideal, but manageable.

Ugh, today sucked. I guess drivers didn't realize that they would still splash the pedestrians on the sidewalk. This time, it wasn't just rain water it was dirty slush that actually sticks to your pants.

And, I've said this before (not in blogging but to myself... and my therapist) Cambridge does not have enough sewers... neither does Somerville! You know where the sidewalk descends to meet the street? Why is there no sewer there? My only thought is it has something to do with the subway. Those puddles are practically of manhole depths! And you have no way of knowing how much of your foot will be submerged unless you just walk right through or see the poor guy ahead of you have his entire calf engulfed.

When I decided to write about the morning's commute, it was intended as a call to drivers on Prospect Street to stop being self-centered schmucks and move away from the puddles in the lane closest to the sidewalk, especially when they see pedestrians brace themselves by using their umbrellas to cover their legs.

So, there's that, but this has also turned into a call to city planners: I beg of you, I plead you, to research the feasibility of more sewers!