Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Plant Life

I cannot keep a plant alive.

A few years ago I had a ficus tree and a Philodendron. Neither lived past the age of two months under my care. The ficus passing was particularly hard to reconcile.

So, I thought maybe I'd gotten better at caring for plants since it's been five years and I'm older and therefore, should be wiser.

A few months ago, I had a beautiful orchid, which I was told wasn't that difficult to keep up, at my desk. I've seen other orchids in the office and I've consulted with their owners for tips. I even asked the gardeners who maintain the lovely live plants on my floor. But a few short months as an orchid owner proved too much for me. Alas, my orchid whom I'd named "étoile" rotted.

So I'm at it again! This time with an ivy! Nothing says Cambridge, MA, quite like a beautiful ivy. And lucky for me, I hear they like to be dry.

Good. But how dry is too dry? I got off to a bad start with Ivy when I accidentally over watered her. And I was told to let her dry out and only water once a week. Okay. Well, when the leaves started turning white and then tan and lost any semblance of green, I thought, maybe it's time to water Ivy again.

This was last week and I shook off all the dead leaves, which now leaves (ha ha, LEAVES!) a pretty sparse looking plant. Sparse and dry. When I watered it last, I brought it to the bathroom instead of the coffee counter/water cooler where there's a full sink. I was embarrassed by my parenting neglect and thought the ladies' room would be empty. I have never seen it more crowded! I guess all the women on the floor decided that 2:30 was the time to use the lavatory. So, I'm trying to water Ivy and make small talk and of course I have to hear advise on what to do.

Just shut up! I didn't want to hear it!

I don't comment on others' clearly bad decisions at the office -- like wearing a scrunchy in their hair, or tapered suit pants.

Okay, I'm petty and off the subject. I'm just staring at Ivy wondering how I might right the wrongs...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I can't wait for the season to start!

I'm talking the rugby season. Like everyone else in New England, I'm sick of the snow (but still feel entitled to complain though I make no plans to move from the area in the near future). My reaction is that I want to tackle someone. Hard. Our first match (North Shore Women Rugby) is Saturday, March 28th. Less than a month away. We've been practicing indoors so we're all getting fit (and fine) but aren't tackling and only minimally rucking and mauling.

Sunday, I'm hoping to get outside, toss the ball around and, yep, tackle someone. It will be three weeks until game time and I'm nothing if I can't tackle someone -- it's key for the position I play.

Argh -- I can't wait! I wish the spring were here! I wish we were playing games already!!!